Artemis Sacred Journeys, Mary Rockwood Lane and Lisa Rasmussen have planted the seeds to produce the Artemis Is Rising Summit. It will feature interviews with woman from all walks of life, who embody the indomitable spirit of the Divine Feminine through their lives and work. It will also reveal, how when a women stands in HER authentic power, she become a force of Nature. She becomes the leader, the creatrix, and the voice of the sacred Priestess of her own life
In the near future join us as we delve deep into the awareness and the energy of the Divine Feminine within us all. This energy is returning to our planet and it will usher in balance and harmony. As we integrate it with the sacred masculine to bring forth unity consciousness. We will be interviewing thirteen Priestess. #artemisisrising #womensempowerment
Oracle blog
Be Inspired,Create, Pollinate, and Empowered Always, Archives
May 2019